Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 28 A night at the museum & a very very pleasant surprise!

I keep saying that I love everything about Helsinki, I really mean it, I do, so much. Sometimes, I think it is fate that brings me here. Of all the places in the world that I can apply for exchange (I mean HKUST prides itself for having over 100 exchange partners), that crazy head of mine had to put Helsinki School of Economics as my first choice; and of all the places my school could have sent me, they let me go on exchange here. And what are the odds that I like it here so much? I think it is all of these factors that woven together that makes this exchange so enjoyable.

Today, we went to the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma in the evening after school. Why so late you ask? well because they offer free entrance for every first Wednesday of each month from 6pm to 8pm. The layout of the museum is really big, but the exhibits occupy a comparably small space. Although there were not a lot of exhibitions, I think I like almost all of the art works, except some that I really don't understand.

(photo: some of the works are quite intense. There was one work that shows videos of people reading aloud letters that were sent back and forth during the war-time from families to soldiers in the front-line. I thought that one was really intriguing.)

I also got a very very pleasant surprise at the museum. I bumped into Stephanie, a primary-school classmate, we know each other because we set next to each other for about a month back in those days. We haven't seen each other since we graduate primary school and Helsinki is the last place I would have thought for us to meet again! (photo: To be frank, I would never have thought that we would ever meet again, let alone a setting like Helsinki! I was so surprised that I went speechless for a while. I mean, isn't Helsinki magical or what? Thank you Helsinki! Everyday I just feel so blessed that I am here! Sorry if I sound like a nuthead.)

(Photo: We then went for a quick bite at a noodle fast-food store, the noodles were not that good, but it was funny seeing Lucas struggling to use chopsticks, which he calls "sticks"!)

And of course, we have to join in the Finnish culture here, which is drinking. So after eating the noodles and playing with our chopsticks, we went for cheap beers at a pub/bar called Amelio.
(photo: Although the beer was cheap, only 1.5 Euros, it tasted really disgusting, plus, they force you to hang your coat for 2.5 Euros. So if you take into account of that, my beer actually costs 4 Euros. But oh well, we had good seats, so it was really worth it!)


  1. LUCAS AND BARBORA do not look like they are
    having fun in that photo. Is your old classmate studying in Helsinki too?

  2. LOL. haha. yea, they don't like smiling at cameras, well, who to blame really, maybe I was boring them ...

    yes, my old classmate is studying in Helsinki, but in a different school.
