Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 52 Moments in life

Life has been good to me, really good. There are a lot of nice things that I encounter, people and situations, that I feel that this is a life worth living.

I think it is fair to say that I am a person who enjoys a lot of moments in my life and just wishes that time would freeze and never pass. Like the time when I was doing my summer internship at Bloomberg, the time when I was going on a marathon trip with my family, the time when I was preparing to go to Helsinki for exchange, the time when I was standing on a frozen lake gazing at the starry sky, the time when I saw the Northern Lights for the first time, the time when I went downhill skiing for the first time, the time when I walked in the middle of the night alone in London, the time when I watched musicals in London, the time now in Helsinki etc etc. These are just great moments that I wish I can linger on longer and wish time would never pass.

But I know time will eventually pass and all that is left are memories.

I am not a person who wants to go back in time and revisit those nice moments, because I fear that I would not enjoy them as much as I enjoyed them for the first time. It is also a constant fear that I would not find other moments that I enjoy after something is over. I always feel a kind of disappointment and abandonment when things pass, or when people you encounter says goodbye and all you get are polite facebook hellos and e-mail messages, or sometimes a postcard greeting.

But I guess this is how things work. There is always a time for everything. I am not a religious person, but this reminds me of the Bible: There is an appointed time for everything. Or in simpler terms, as my dad reminds me a lot of times, "Do the right thing at the right time. Don't get a CPA license when you are 50, a time which you should be planning retirement."

I think there are also a lot of wisdoms around me that I have yet to discover. I love this exchange because there are a lot of quiet moments which I can do some reflections of those (wasted-or-not) 20 years of life. If I were to live pass 60 years old, I have gone through almost 1/3 of it, It is also time for me to start thinking what directions I should take for the remaining 2/3. Because before you know it, you might start asking yourself where did all those years go.


  1. For someone who's at the ripe old age of twenty .. this is a tad too sentimental don't you think? There's so much to look forward to : never look back, never complain, never explain!

  2. your mom and dad just finished the marathon!!!!!!!!
    both this time!!
    ur essay is too long, i dun hv time to read, jst to tel lya!
