Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 31 An extremely disappointing day

One thing I keep reminding and reminding myself in this exchange is things here work differently than that in Hong Kong. I am so used to the almost 24/7 opening hours of Hong Kong shops that I forget Europeans do actually try to enjoy life and choose to close their shops early on Saturdays to be with their families or do something else other than work.

Today was a really bad day. Why?

First, my entire body aches after the cross-country skiing, it is extremely difficult to walk on the snow with my aching legs. To those who have never walked on snow before, it is like walking on slippery sand. You need to raise your legs high when you walk.

Second, almost all the shops that we wanted to go to were closed. They close so early, the sun wasn't even set yet! Barbora also reminded me that the sun now set later than in January. I am so excited because we are getting more and more day-light!

Third, my legs ache. oh, did I say that again? yes, they hurt like hell.

Okay, I will stop complaining, this is one of the things that I promise myself I would not do in Helsinki. I have spent way too much time complaining in Hong Kong and needless to say, it is unproductive and depressing.

On the bright side, we did manage to get a few things done today.

First, we went to see the Helsinki Cathedral (wiki says it is formerly known as the St. Nicholas' Church, it is originally built as a tribute to the Grand Duke, Nicholas I, the Tsar of Russia). Wikipedia also describes it as a "distinct landmark in the scenery of central Helsinki, with a tall green dome surrounded by four smaller domes, in neoclassical style". Well, wiki was right about the domes (haha, don't you like the sound of it, domes) but I don't see any colour on it except white, because the entire church is covered with snow.

(Photo: inside the church. Simple, quite and peaceful.)

(Photo: Me standing in front of the church. See what I mean? it is all white!)

Afterwards, we meant to head to a gallery in the designer district and get a cup of coffee and chill. But, by the time we got there, they were nearly closing. So we looked around the new exhibition and left without getting a coffee.

(Photo: this is the gallery. I think the exhibitions shown there are quite amazing. So far, I have seen two exhibitions, though not the best I have seen, the two of them were still pretty good.)

We then came across a huge cargo truck parked outside a shopping mall. I think it was a charity-run mobile knitting shop. They sell all kinds of knitting yarns and other materials there.

(Photo: Now, me personally, I am really not into this stuff, but Barbora here thinks this is the most awesome place because apparently she likes knitting.)

And finally, we got tickets to Turku for tomorrow. We bought tickets from the Central Railway Station. The student union, KY, here is supposed to organize a Turku trip in March, but then I could not see Turku in the snow. (Photo: At the ticket-selling place.)

Fingers-cross that I will have a good day tomorrow!


  1. The pictures are so pretty. We have more than 10 inches of snow today in NJ and two feet in DC. It took me two hours to clear my driveway. Did you try snow boarding? If you have not done yet, you should build a snow man. Snow fight with your friends is fun too.

  2. That church is VERY austere in Russian taste. Remember all the gold in the chapels in Russia? Man I wish we had kept a better photo album... No idea where to find those precious pictures.

    Girl, EXERCISE IS GOOD FOR U!!! Take the advice of the girl who has not stepped out of the apartment for 4 days now.

  3. Hey Tanya, nice sight seeing photos!. You are so committed with your blogs I have trouble keeping up (Ive only had six so far ><) really good work! I'm so proud of you!! Did you warm up before skiing?? You must stretch if not your muscles will ache a lot the next day! Well just remember to stretch and warm up next time!

  4. Uncle Simon: Oh man, two hours! you must not really like snowing then! Here, because most people live in apartment buildings, there is management handling the snow on the driveway/pavement. Good workout though, they train your biceps! No, haven't tried snow-boarding/ snow man/ snow fight, but they are on my to-do list!

    Jac: The thing about Finland is, it is really near Russia and it was taken over by Russia in the 28th century. So it resembles Russia's churches. And please get out of the apartment please, you have got to enjoy life when you have a chance.

    Desdes85: thanks for saying my pictures are nice. yes, i agree, they are, but credits go to my awesome camera. And no, I did not warm up before skiing, maybe that's why my muscles are still shivering like I tortured them.
