Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 26 Exploring the Longest street in Helsinki: Hämeentie

Today's investment management class was cancelled, I don't know why, but they announced that there was no class. So I put on my "explorer shoes" and went to the wikipedia-claimed longest street in Helsinki: Hämeentie.

Hämeentie is quite far from the city centre, and in order to get there, I took the metro for about 4 stops. I was quite nervous because it was only my second time taking the metro, and everything was just so orange. The lights and plastic seats are all orange in colour in the metro.

(photo: see what I mean? everything is orange!)

(photo: the longest street in Helsinki (wiki says so, not sure if it really is), it is quite long, I walked for about 15-20 mins from Hämeentie 40 to Hämeentie 91.)

Well, the real reason I went to this street is not because it is the longest, but because there is a second-hand sports equipment store there, which I hope they have ice-skates that can fit my enormous feet. And I found the store at Hämeentie 91.
(photo: This store is awesome! They have so many ice-skates, figure ice-skates/ hockey ice-skates, snowboarding equipments, skiing equipments, racquets, gym shoes, you name it, they have it! I am so amazed by this store!)

(photo: it was snowing pretty hard when I traveled back home, snowy and windy, but it was only -5 degrees, so it was quite warm! Grounds were super slippery today, I witnessed a car accident, it was really minor though, like a two-seater car bumping into another small car, nothing major. Still, I witness my first Finnish car accident, how cool is that!?)

One more thing I want to write about in this blog: I genuinely believe that Finland is one of the safest place left on Earth. It so happened that I left my earphones in the school computer lab last Friday, I thought for sure that my earphones are going to be lost because someone will snatch it from the table somehow. But surprisingly, they weren't! They were still there when my friend Barbora look for them, my earphones were still in the same position as I left them!

Well done Finland, you have impressed me a lot!


  1. I can imagine how big helsinki is, I think I need to walk maybe more than an hour on Nathan Rd.

    But can you get ice skating shoes?

  2. duh. they're just earphones. bet u left them in the library in HK they'll still be there too.

    same question. So? got your skating shoes yet?????

  3. tried that once before, left them in HK, never found them ever ever again! Same with leaving notebooks or anything!

  4. wow, you have managed to make a response, TOTALLY ignoring the questions, the only questions really, that BOTH your mother and I had. I'm almost worried about your blind spot. Is it rather pathologically enlarged?

  5. LOL. well, sorry for not responding to both of your questions. But I was going to make a post about ice-skating so you don't need to worry about whether I got my ice skates or not!

    But since you insist to know, yes, I finally got my ice-skates, and for a good price too, they are brand new and cost only 29 Euros!
