Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 37 Huskies and downhill skiing!

Yesterday I thought that Lapland is quite similar to any other places in Finland: snow and snow-covered trees everywhere. But today as I was on the bus going to the husky farm to go on husky-pulled sleds, I really do think that Lapland is quite special and so much prettier than Helsinki!

I had an amazing day today, so amazing! Early at 9 am, we went to the husky farm to go on husky sleds.

(Photo: This was the view I saw on the coach as we went to the husky farm. It was so pretty! These snow-covered trees have three layers of colours. Bottom layer: Dark green; middle-to-top layer: Snow white; top layer: yellowish white (because of the morning sun shining onto them). Simply beautiful! I think you can only see these colours on the trees if you really look at them, makes me think of the Pocahontas song about the nature.)

We arrived at the husky farm at about 10 am. We had a short lecture on how to guide the sled, as we had to drive our own dog sleds ourselves! It was so fun and those huskies were super cute!

(The huskies are HUGE! probably because of the fur though. They actually live in dog kennels IN THE SNOW! yes, IN THE SNOW! This makes me wonder how huskies survive in Hong Kong.)

(Photo: This little one I am holding is really really cute! He doesn't bark or move around when we try to hold him. He just stayed there, looking cute.)

(Photo: Me driving the sled, with my passenger Junrong on! I think I am quite a good husky-driver, I braked at exact moments, and I kept my distance with other sleds. Funny enough, I thought I would have a whip or something to tell the huskies to accelerate, but nope, they ran on their own. They got extremely agitated when we tried to stop them, barking crazy.)

(Photo: Me as a passenger this time, taking this photo. Oh, and some huskies shit when they ran as well.)

(Photo: More photos of me and the huskies! They are so cute, I want to steal one home, but I will have to put it into the freezer to keep it alive =.=)

After going on husky sleds, we had a quick lunch back at the cottage and went straight to do downhill skiing. If there is one thing I want to say about downhill skiing, that is:
I now understand why people in Hong Kong would go all the way to Japan or Korea to ski. Skiing is SO MUCH FUN!

Well, my first try was pretty embarrassing. I tried sliding down without knowing how to brake. So I went down the slope, and thought, "Ah, this is fun." then I gathered speed, and thought, "Hm, okay, I am gaining speed." then I gathered more speed, and thought, "okay now, this is fast." then I gathered more speed, and thought, "okay, this is dangerously fast now." then I gathered more speed, and thought, "okay okay, calm down, should I fall over now or later".

Then as I was still mentally battling whether I should fall down or what, I was at the bottom of the slope, going dangerously fast, and hit a snow pile at the bottom of the slope. Yep, that was my first try.

So then, I learnt how to brake. After a few rounds of practice, I am so in love with skiing! I am not kidding, it is so fun. It is sort of like an adrenaline rush as you ski down the slope, and then everytime you ski down, you cannot wait to get up the slope again to ski down, and you think that the ski lift is way too slow to get you up the slope!

(Photo: This is the slope where I went down again again again again and again. It is so much fun! Actually this slope is the kid's slope, but please note that this is the Finnish kid's slope, so I think we ski quite good already!)

I had such a good day today, my entire body is really sore from the falling from snowboarding and the skiing! Looking forward to a relaxing evening, have a great night everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I think you had a good time in lapland. We experienced 27C on last Thursday, it was so hot
    that I wore short summer clothes. Now it is 11C, cold and rainy on New Year days.
