Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 46 The British Museum and Fish & Chips

Early in the morning of our second day in London, we took our luggage to Desiree's sister, Natasha's place to stay for the following two nights. I have to say, Natasha's place is REALLY REALLY nice! She has been here for almost 9 years, including attending university here, so she knows the city pretty well.

After putting our stuff to Natasha's place, we went to meet Desiree's friend, Smile, in the British Museum.
(Photo: The British Museum. The ceiling and the architecture are all nice, but there are just too many tourists there, probably because it was a Sunday afternoon.)

(Photo: Smile and Desiree. I guess I know why they are such good friends, look at their vertical distance from the ground! kidding kidding.)

(Photo: The museum is really big. But it is also crowded, at the end, we didn't see a lot from the museum, just the Egyptian, Greek and the Japanese sections.)

(Photo: This group of people is called the Bible study group. We bumped into them and listened to the man talking about the relationship of war, God and man.)

(Photo: And Oscar joined us too!)

Afterwards, we decided to taste the famous UK dish: Fish and Chips.
(Photo: Finally! Fish and Chips! But the UK people here, i.e. Delphine, Smile and Oscar, all said that this fish and chips wasn't good and was a total rip-off! The fish was supposed to be bigger!)

Later on, we had hot-pot at Natasha's place! It was delicious!

The Gu-cake for dessert is so good! it's like melting 1 kilo of chocolate bar into a cake. Thank you so much Natasha!
(Photo: The Gu-cake.)

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