Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 49 A happy ending to a scary day!

The flight back to Helsinki from London was really good. Not only was my chair in perfect condition (i.e. I can recline.), there was also an empty seat between me and another passenger, so my arms could fully rest on the arm-rests! It was my first time traveling by budget airline, and I think I quite like the experience!

I am now back in Helsinki. Phew, it felt just like home when I stepped out of that plane. Although it was snowy, windy and colder than London, there is this tranquility in this place that I felt that I belong here, and nowhere else. London is a nice city, but it is way too crowded, people are too "city-like", so I like Helsinki so much more.

I met up with Barbora today at lunch to talk about my amazing trip, and learnt from her two scary pieces of news about downhill skiing.

1. Barbora's family went onto a downhill skiing trip, her father got hit by another skiier and needed stitches in his mouth.
2. A turkish girl in our exchange lost a front tooth when she was doing downhill skiing in Lapland.
God bless them, hope they feel better.

I did an entry in Day 44 about downhill skiing and its dangers. I think these news just confirmed my fear of downhill skiing. It is actually really dangerous!

Today was really a scary day for me. It so happened that I stayed in the computer lab till late, at around 9 pm. As I had put my coat near the front door, I needed to get from the computer lab to the front door. But the door inside the school to the front door was locked! (probably because it was late already!) It was freezing cold in Helsinki and seriously, I don't think I can live without a coat outside.

There was no one around the campus that we could ask for keys to unlock the door for us. As we frantically looked for telephone numbers of janitors and security guards, Barbora had an idea that we should probably just leave our coats there and called Karin and Klaus for help.

Klaus got some sweaters and coats for us and met us outside of the front door of the gate. So we went through the backdoor of the computer lab, to the front gate to meet Klaus. Just as we were putting on Klaus's sweaters, Klaus suddenly pointed out that the front door was actually unlocked from the outside!

Phew, what a strange school, the doors inside the campus are locked, but the doors to the outside are unlocked?! Hm, does that make any sense?

But still, we were just so happy to get our coats back!

A happy ending to a scary day.


  1. errk
    thats really strange
    Klaus sounds like santa claus. are they related?

  2. btw, please make posting a comment on ur blog easier
    for starters, dun make us type in those security words etc. i hv to click like 3 times to leave a comment, thats really annoying

  3. Nah, Klaus and santa Claus not related, I didn't imagine Klaus, he is a real person!

    yep, I have changed the setting for the comments now... see if it is better.

  4. got ur postcards btw!
    aaaaaaaaargggh u know that horrible bun bun who talked VERY LOUDLY in ht e balcony in the yellow building every night?? i just opend the window and yelled at her to talk more quietly/ go inside. ODDLY EMPOWERING. Better than caffeine. AAAAAAAAAARGGH THIS IS GONNA BE A LONG NIGHT!

  5. Weeheeeeee ... I know what you should do next, try going to that yellow building and hitting her, you might just get an adrenaline rush that you can speed over several chapters of your study!
