Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 25 Business ideas in Finland

Coming up with new business ideas is one of my favourite things to do, when I am on the bus, when I have nothing to do and when I am alone in my room. I have always thought that foreigners in a country may do particularly well in making money off the local people because they always seem to have a newer perspective to things that seem routine to locals.

Here in Helsinki, I have come up with some business ideas, they are for fun, of course!

"Slippery road ahead" sign

Roads here are super slippery! especially when you enter an indoor area and there is melting snow right on the edge. Seriously, I have slipped like multiple times in situations like this, and funny enough, I have yet to see a single "slippery road ahead" sign here! Making these signs may not be possible because I will have to compete with factories in China that most likely employ child labor. But still, I can buy cheap from those Chinese factories and sell them here. I bet like every single store here needs one of these!

Diet food

Here in Helsinki, I don't really feel the diet craze. The Fins eat carbs, like lots and lots of carbs here, e.g. bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. In school cafeterias, you can take as many pieces of bread as you like in a buffet-style table. Oh, and they love butter as well, like lots and lots of butter! Funny enough, if you go grocery shopping, even in the city centre, you rarely see any diet products there.

So I am thinking of starting my own health brand here, it will be much like the US's weight-watchers or something. I will also have my first-mover's advantage too (haha, that's business school for you, I know all these fancy words!). just an idea. People here are not obese or anything, but the idea of dieting is something you can embark even when you are stickly thin!

I will leave the two ideas here, and more to come! but I don't want to bore you with it!

1 comment:

  1. Haha I like this post. And it's good for u to notice such things too! Though there might be a reason why people aren't into dieting.. Maybe they NEED the fat n carbs to burn to keep them warm. Besides who's going to notice them slimmer in those puffy down jackets? Haha just saying... Good idea though
