Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 109 The World Wide Web

I have become so used to using the Internet to find information that I simply cannot imagine how people in the past can live their lives without the access of the world wide web.

Say for example, I had a sore throat yesterday, and I googled how I could get rid of it. I was doing a case write-up the other day, and I searched the Internet about case-related info. I can so easily send any documents to anyone with the help of e-mail attachments without fiddling with the fax machine and mail. Everything is within our finger-tips. I bet if people from the 18th century time-travel to 2010, they will be shocked.

It was on the Helsinki Times last week that "by year-end 2015, all residents in Finland will be equipped with high-speed internet connections". This was the target set by the Finnish communications ministry. The plan was to offer Finland residents a minimum of 100 megabytes per second by the end of 2015 such that users will be able to expand at-home businesses and other small businesses. I think it is quite brilliant that they are doing this!

I have this theory that with the Internet, our lifestyles can be quite different than the lifestyles that our parents lead. There is this blogger/writer/entrepreneur called Tim Ferrriss , who wrote a book called "The 4-hour workweek". It says that you don't really need to stay on your desk from 9 am to 6 pm (or not more), because of something called the automation. Money is not generated by the period of time that you work, but generated also when you are not working. Say a blog, you just have to update it, then if you get enough traffic, and googleads pays you, then you are generating income even when you are not working at all. Hm.. I think I should do the same with my blog.

Ah... the power of Internet. Let me devise a lifestyle that can fully make use of it!

1 comment:

  1. time to update your blog missss!btw, laurel also told me about the four hour work week book. do you have it? share more!
    Also, want to hear about your other realisations please!
