Barbora and I did our presentation on Finnish music festival today, we used extensively the almighty wikipedia and showed the class some video clips of the music festival from the amazing youtube website. I think we did well, at least it seemed like we have prepared something to say in front of the class!
We got back our exam paper, I passed! YES! 41 was the passing score, and the score I was expecting actually, but turned out I did okay, and didn't get a marginal pass. I am so happy about it!
Merja and Christina then started to give out class prizes.
Shane, for breaking his leg and not complaining about it- he got the Sisu award and got Sisu gums as a prize.
Rahel, for being the smiling girl in the class!
Andy and I celebrating! WOOHOOO we passed! Andy took the exam early, and told me lots of tips for the exam! I think that's because he doesn't want me to fail the course and having everyone to think that HKUST is a crappy school.
Me and my ... ASIAN PRIDE.
Me and the teachers, Merja and Christina.
I was talking to Larry back from school today and he told me that he is leaving in early May. And some exchangers here are leaving really really soon, some have 3 weeks left here. So far, I don't have that much of an intense feeling yet, because I still have 2 case write-ups and 2 assignments due by the end of this month. And then exams till May 20th.
As for my studies, I have passed my investment management and Finnish courses. Two down, 3 more to go!
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