Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 95 My traveling philosophy

After my trip to Riga and Stockholm, I have come to the conclusion that my past traveling experience was all rush rush rush rush rush and with lots and lots and lots and lots of people.

Seriously, I remember there was one time the family went on a crazy 12-days-to-14-countries (or 8-days-to-10-countries) tour when I was young (Primary school). I didn't remember anything about it, all I can remember was, being extremely tired throughout the trip. I specifically remember that I was throwing tantrums or in a very bad mood visiting Athens, Greece or somewhere. Funny how I can remember my emotions, and not the place itself! My parents were so proud that they were so "efficient". =.=

I have found that I didn't know a lot about traveling (although I have been to quite a lot of places) and have been quite clumsy in designing where to go. I have always been the one with people feeding me information about where I am going and what I am going to do next. I never have my own individual thinking in my past traveling experience, it has always been where the tour guide wants to take us, not where I would want to go.

After my trip to Riga and Stockholm, my traveling philosophy is, pick a place, go to that place, and stay there for a while, preferably travel such that you have to read maps (not just following tour-guides, taking photos from one place to another).

I found that reading maps, and picking up attraction booklets at the airport quite convenient. And quite frankly, you wouldn't get lost or anything. Sometimes, you see more when you actually have to find your way in the city. Although my parents would always want a tour-guide for their trips.

From now on, I am aiming for long trips and focused destinations.

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