Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 110 Last week of school!

This week has finally come, it's the LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!

Finally, all the lectures are coming to an end, my corporate risk management class, my derivatives and risk management class and my advanced corporate finance class, all ending this week.

I cannot find words to describe how happy I am, for these classes to end, not that I don't like the class, but for some reason, I don't quite understand what the teacher is saying, maybe their accent is a bit heavy. But still, I enjoyed the content of the class!

But before this week ends, I have 3 homework assignment due. A derivative and risk management case write-up on Avon, then a Corporate risk management exercise 2 (requires a lot of work), and the advanced corporate finance exercise.

Yep.. back to homework and studies...

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