Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 96 Finished by Finnish exam

Today I am writing my Finnish paper! I have never felt so nervous in my life.

The course lasted for 2 semesters, 20 classes in total, of course, I have missed some, but I have been to most of them.

For a course for exchange students, I would say that this course is quite tough.
First, we cannot miss more than 5 classes, then we have to go to 2 out of 3 excursions (if we miss one, we need to write a report). Also, we have a presentation (luckily in English) on something cultural.

Barbara and I picked the topic of Finnish music festival. We are presenting it on Thursday, I think we are going to slack a bit!

Back to the exam; I have never learnt so little in my life to an examination. Seriously, back when I was studying Latin (for one semester), I was learning quite a lot. But for Finnish, I am learning really little.

So far, I know how to say months, days of the week, numbers and time in Finnish. Also, I know some grammar rules, such as plural and genitive. And some basic phrases such as "how much is this?" and "thank you", "good morning" etc.

Barbara said that the exam was easy, but I am not so sure, I think it will still be quite tough! And I am no genius in learning a new language!

Paljon onnea for my exam!

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