Monday, January 4, 2010

Back from Xiamen!

Guess where I spent my Jan 1 2010? Xiamen, along with a tour of about 100 marathon runners.
Guess what I did on Jan 2, 2010? Run a 10K in Xiamen.

Basically what happened was, my uncle and cousin went to visit the family in Hong Kong, and since my uncle loves jogging (and joined a few marathons), my parents decided that we should all join the Xiamen marathon running. I ended up traveling to Xiamen with these marathon runners. And while they were all doing their half-marathons and full marathons, my cousin and I did a 10K, which to my standard, is pretty tough.

Then after the running and sweating, we went sightseeing for 3 days, and ate so much food that I got a little sick coming back to Hong Kong.

(photo: my dearest uncle showing his hand-movements while waiting in the airport lounge.)

(photo: Cousin Mandi doing sudoku in the airport lounge.)

(photo: My parents sleeping after running their half-marathons!)

(photo: some sight-seeing, one of the most amazing architectures I have ever seen, these buildings were made of mud and were built ages and ages ago! Extremely environmentally friendly, they use some special type of sugar mixed with other natural resources as glue!)

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