Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 22 Can life get any better than this?

Before going on exchange, school/life was so stressful that I felt as if I was entering a stage before mental breakdown and going completely crazy. All I could hope, was for someone to miraculously stop time, or better yet, to bomb the school (no one gets hurt of course) and the entire school could stay at home, rest for a week or so (with no studying of course). I was a little depressed at that time that I thought going on exchange is merely one of the requirements I need to fulfill in order to graduate from my university and successfully get a degree, making my 2-year of so-called "study" not go into waste. I was feeling so "life-less" at that time that I was sure I am just going to stay in my dorm room, do exercise, study a bit, watch TV, eat like a pig and sleep like one as well. Basically do nothing during my exchange.

Surprisingly though, being here in Helsinki, every bit of those depressing thoughts just disappear like it never occurred in that crazy and huge head of mine. It is like as if right now I am living the moment. Everyday I am just so glad that I am here in Helsinki, in a completely different world. I look out of the window of my apartment, and I think to myself, am I even dreaming here? how can life get so good all of a sudden? (I was so sure that my life will continue to stink like hell, like in Hong Kong)

Am I escaping from the real world here? Even if I am, I have reasons to. It is not like I choose to go on exchange. My reason for going on exchange is, I have to do it to get my bachelor degree. This is a legit reason for escaping from the real world.
(photo: Taking photos at night would never happen in Hong Kong, because everyone is rushing to places and there is no time to relax and enjoy life. Everything in HK has to be done with a reason and with a reasonable reason only. But here, in Helsinki, in exchange, I can actually stop and enjoy life. Oh man, can life get any better than this?)


  1. Hey show us a photo of you bundling in the snow.

  2. dear sis, this is as real as it gets. just that ur university of stress and tension makes u forget how fun life can be. enjoy : )

  3. hey bff

    Totally get you. Have a bunch of things to talk about with you. Cant waittttttt to meet you in person, sit down with a glass of wine or two and chat away like old times!!
