Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 2 In search of a universal adapter

I felt so incapacitated and a little depression/ anxious when I discovered last night that the plugs in Helsinki has 2 round-legs instead 2 rectangular-legs. The only converter I have brought was the Hong Kong tripod to 2-rectangular-leg adapter. Damn it, the entire night, with jet-lag, waking up at 12:00 am in the morning, I decided that today, no matter what, I will get a converter.

So after the orientation lecture and some introduction, my tutor Henri and I both embarked the journey of finding an adapter. It was a little later than 4 pm, but the sky was dark like 8 pm at night in Hong Kong. And the icy and chilly wind just went seeps through my jacket, then my fleece, onto my bare skin and into my bones. We went to one department store, and found that it does not sell these kind of adapter, only sells those that goes the other way (2 round leg to tripod). So again, out in the cold, we went to Stockmann, the largest department store in Helsinki, and finally, we found a universal adapter. which costs [see photo below]:

(photo: 24.90 EUROS, that is like HKD 250! =.=!!! this is so expensive!)

But then the orientation day was pretty fun, except that I was crazy jet-lagging, and wanted to fall asleep all the time! We first met at around 10 am and was given lectures about the exchange situations of Helsinki, then they introduced us to their campus, which consists of 3 buildings (and I suspect 3 buildings only), they are the main building (yellowish building with weird drawings on the outer walls), the red building (Arcadia), and the white building (Cheynedia). the White building is where all the finance classes will be held and the dinning area, so I suspect that I will be going there a lot! Although they have shown us around, I don't think I remember a lot of them :( argh, why didn't I take pictures so I can remember them?

(photos: on my way to school, it took a really long time to wait for the bus ... and an even longer time on the bus, the view, however, was spectacular, seeing the sunrise on my way to school)

(photo: Me inside the HSE computer lab, their computer labs are so nice! It's not like HKUST's computer slums that can stuff half the school in there, but really nicely designed, wide-screened monitor computers on glass tables, together with wooden office chairs! I have a feeling I will be spending a lot of my studying time there! LOVE IT SO MUCH!)

(photo: Map of Helsinki, given by the school)

(photo: the orientation continues at 7 pm, the KY student union went on talking about their plans for exchange students)

(photo: On my way back to Ida 1C, it is so freakishly far, damn it)

(photo: A doggie on the bus!)


  1. You'd better be calling home soon coz ur mom and dad were so confused about googletalk and nearly wanted to camp next to the computer all night to wait for u to go online!
    So you only got 1 adapter? wouldn't you be needing more? do you need mom to get some here and mail it to u together?
    It's good to hear they have tutors and student union taking care of exchange students, AND that sunrise view on the snow must be spectacular! First day is always a bit confusing, plus the jetlag, but you've got the adapter! you survived the first day of being out in the snow! Things are going to get better after you get used to them. Met any new blonde friends yet?

  2. I just got my cell phone, and called home! So lovely to hear their voices! I'm still fiddling with the iTalk, seems like something not right and I need to set some settings there first before using.

    Yes, I only have 1 adapter, but I think it's fine, and mum is sending over a "tor ban", so it's okay.

    Ha, everyone here is blonde, and nearly blonde, so yea, talked to some of them, made some friends!

  3. Glad that your survive the first day and on the way to be snow expert. By May, you probably don't like HK's hot and humid weather! Unfortunately, I did not succeed in hooking up the video camera on your mom and dad's PC. Otherwise, you can see and talk to them. It is 2 a.m. here and I cannot sleep. Damn jet-lag!

  4. Hello Uncle Simon! welcome to my blog! yes, damn jet-lag, I took a sleeping pill yesterday and slept till around 5 am in the morning. Good luck with conquering jet-lag!

  5. Your blog timestamp sems to be associated with US Pacific (California) time. I beg that you can set to your local time.

  6. Okay, since you are my first follower, I shall change the time. =)
