Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 59 1 CSI DVD + 1 Big Mac Meal = 5.75 Euros?

Today I passed by one of Helsinki's Mickey D's branches and found that they are doing this promotion on their big mac meal. According to their promotion, when you buy a big mac meal, if you pay one more Euro, you get a CSI DVD!

Wow... this is so tempting! I mean, 1 Euro is roughly about 11 HKD, so 11 HKD for a legit copy of a CSI episode? tempting tempting. But the thing is, I always watch those episodes free on or and I never really think I need to buy them. And if I want to own them, I can simply .. er hem.. use "other means" to get them.

Plus, you will also be forced to eat the unhealthiest food there ever exist in this world. Nah. not really worth it.

Well, today, I had dinner at Vivien's and Boon Sun's place! The meal was really really nice! Great food, great company, great jokes (love the Singaporean Coke joke!), great desserts, really good fun!

(Photo: Thanks for the meal! You guys cook really really well!)


  1. the exchange rate is One Euro to HK$10.60 which is lower than in Jan. Plus don't buy it, you still have alot to ship back HK by May.

  2. wahahaha
    i was just gonna ask u to buy it
    what do u hv to ship back?
    i have an idea
    why don't u wear all the clothes onto you when you board the plane? they can count the weight of the luggage, but they can't discriminate a VERY HEAVY person right?

  3. you guys have a point. but it's only one episode! not like the entire season!
