Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 63 Not another cliche post ...

I suppose the most cliche thing to do on a birthday is to make a wish of all the things you want to have, list out all your goals you want to achieve and make a deathly vow that you are going to dramatically change your daily habbits or something like that for the rest of your life.

But based on past experiences, I have come to a realization that most of the times, these promises fall short and a week later you will find people saying how they cannot meet their goals or their promises to oneself. And they become severely disappointed at themselves, wished that they didn't make that deathly vow and worried about their safety because of that vow.

So instead of making a list of things that I want to achieve or making empty promises to myself, I thought I would list out all the things that I am happy about and grateful for, and see what experiences in 2009 that I can take to 2010.

So here it goes.

I think I am happy and grateful for a lot of things. I am happy that the days in Helsinki are getting brighter and brighter each day. I am happy that the snow is melting and spring is coming. I am happy that I am out of Hong Kong, exploring the world and experiencing other cultures. I am happy that each day here I started with a smile on my face. I am happy that I am out of HKUST, away from everything related to that school. I am happy that I am in Helsinki School of economics and not in anywhere else in the world. I am happy that this school has such high-quality Finance professors and decent Finance courses. I am happy that I am actually learning in classes and happily revising. I am happy that I meet so many interesting and different people here and get to know what they were doing before, that really inspires me a lot. I am happy that I am in the program that I am in back in HKUST so that I have this chance of going on exchange. I am happy that my 20years in this world has gone by quite fine. Although there were some unhappy and confusing moments, I went on with it, and did not take any shit from anyone.

I am grateful for my parents financing me in this exchange and fully supporting me in any other ways. I am grateful that my parents are understanding and I can confide my doubts and fear to them. I am grateful that my sister is who she is, and not anyone else (not that I don't want a puppy in exchange for her disappearance, muahahahaaha). I am grateful that my family in Hong Kong are missing me, and me them as well.

2009 did not start well, it had its usual ups and downs on the way, but I think it ended in high note. I think 2009 was also a year which I made a lot of discoveries about my personalities and thought a lot about what I really want to do in life.

So what I want to say to my 21st year here on earth is. BRING IT ON! I am ready for any of the challenges it is going to throw me!


  1. How about you will go back to HKUST in Sept 2010? what is your wish?

  2. my wish? not much wish for HKUST!
