Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 65 Doing my expenses

I had a drawer in my desk where I put all my receipts inside. It has been piling up with receipts starting from January and I didn't have a chance of recording them in a file. I have been procrastinating with this process because I am a little scared of opening the drawer and pulling out all the receipts and discovering that I had spent huge amount of money. I know, I know, it doesn't really make any sense, but it is always nice to suspect something (i.e. I suspect that I have spent quite a lot of money), than to actually know if it is true (i.e. I have really spent a lot of money).

My parents have been urging me to take a look at the expenses, mostly because the credit card company sent them my bill, and they want to know if I have really spent that much of money. So today, I opened that drawer, and pulled out all the receipts that I have skillfully stored (out of my sight). It was scary. It is like finding out how much you score in your exam, finding out how much you weight. It was time to face the reality.

(Photo: what you see here in just part of it.)

Well, looks like I am a spender. But I assure you mum, I spent what I need to spend to get the most of this exchange, so it is worth it!


  1. better to live in beliefs, proving your beliefs are right/wrong is harsh ..

  2. Now you can throw away the old receipts and collect the new ones for next round, that simply let you feel you did not spend that much!!!
