Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 62 The best day ever!

My 21st birthday is a day which I don't think I will ever forget in my life! It was really really amazing!

The day started at around 9 am, which I woke up and was panicking a little because I am getting one year older, and I don't feel like getting older at all. As I was starting to get a bit nervous about my age, I checked my e-mail and found an e-mail titled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" from my parents. Then I got a phone call from them wishing me a very happy birthday. This cheered me up a lot and after a quick shower, I headed out for school.

The weather today was amazing! The sky was so bright and blue, and there were sunlight everywhere! (Photo: Isn't this just the prettiest weather you could ever experience? It was so warm under the sun that I actually felt like taking off my jackets!)

To celebrate my birthday, I decided that I should throw a Japanese taemaki sushi dinner party, where everyone would try making hand-rolled sushi! So after my derivatives class, Andy, Vivien and I decided that we would go to the Asian market in Hakaniemi to buy materials for the sushi, some soba noodles and some other materials for the dinner party tonight.

We got soo many things! I initially thought it would be a bit difficult to buy raw fish for the sushi, plus I don't know if the raw fish will be clean or what, I don't want to risk a massive food poisoning. But we went to the fresh market near the Asian market, and there was this fish stall selling raw fish for consumption! I don't know if it is actually Japanese style, but still, we got some sashimi (raw fish!).

Then from about 4pm onwards, we started preparing food. (Photo: Vivien helping me prepare the food! And Andy too for accompanying me to the Asian market to get all the materials! Thank you so much!)

Preparing food for 13 people was quite tough. The whole time I was so stressed that there will not be enough food and people would not like the food etc etc. But I have to say, it turned out quite fine!

The dinner party started at around 7-ish. We sat up a long bench for something like a buffet table, and everyone just surrounded the bench, made their temaki sushi and ate!

Thank you you guys! I had great fun today!

I think the best part of it was, people from different countries sang me different language of birthday songs! There were Hungarian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, French, English, Slovakian and Czech !!!

Thank you also for all the birthday cakes!! Too bad we can't finish all of them! I still have 2 of them in the fridge! (Photo: Cake from roomie Sharon, Adeline, Barbora and Vladimir! They were DELICIOUS! I wish I wasn't full so I can eat more of them!)

Thank you so much for coming guys! I had a great time !!!



    first, whats that ghost doing in your pictures?
    second, your video is just HILARIOUS. I was laughing OFF my seat! HOW COME U HAVE TO CALL EVERYONE'S NAME WHEN U CANT REMEMBER THEM???? Thats like digging your own grave... haha maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, I'm having clinical exam tomorrow see, and SURELY I won't bring up something I'm not sure about.. that's suicide
    third, SUSHI seems a great idea. Mom was WORRYING haha yes, worrying that you can't cook for so many people. But it turns out fine ye?
    : ) : ) glad u had fun.

  2. Hi, that looked like a wonderful DIY dinner, good idea!! I should think of it for our daily dinner.

  3. JAC! I REMEMBER EVERYONE"S NAME !!!! EVERYONEEEE!!! but holding the camera and saying their names were a bit too much to handle, eyes, brain, and hand coordination wasn't that good...

    I know I know, the ghost liked the food so much that it wanted to be in the photo. Not my fault ...

    and yes, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, make it our daily dinner mum! It's soo easy! just cook some rice, put it in the center, then cut some nori, and prepare fillings, and that's it! easy piecey!
