Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 66 Introducing my newest 160 GB HD

Ever since my trip to London, I have been increasing paranoid about my computer not turning on again. If you have not guessed already, my computer refused to operate on the second day of my trip and I freaked out, big time (i.e. screaming on the top of my lungs so the entire London could hear me, grabbing and pulling my hair out and having that "why didn't I" moments, why didn't I back my computer up??)

So I went on, using other people's (Delphine's) computer to search on the world wide web how my computer could be fixed, and they listed out all these only-computer-geeks-will-know methods, which I decided that I should probably leave it to the professionals.

On the third day, I decided that I would give my computer another go by turning it on again, and the most miraculous thing happened, my computer worked! (I give thanks to the lucky shampoo that I used that day, the lucky penny I picked up that night, and okay fine, I thank God, Wong Tai Sin, the Buddha and some other idols, it must be their collective power that helped my computer heal!)

From then on, I have tried to back everything up with my 4.0GB USB, but since I have so much stuff in my computer, 4.0GB is not enough. So today, I went out to the Stockmann department store, and got myself a 160GB external hard-drive. Problem solved! But still, I could not use the Time Machine (a software that backs everything up), because there is simply not enough space.

(Photo: Presenting, my SAMSUNG S1 Mini external hard-disk)

And this baby costs 85.9 Euros. I know I know, I said in my last entry that I will not spend too much. Bu this is necessary expenses! you know how they say, "save for the rainy days", this is one of the rainy days!


  1. when you go back to hong kong, might as well go to computer centre in wanchai to get a 1TB one. i bought mine almost 2 years ago, and it cost 1000+, i'm sure it's definitely way cheaper than before. (:

  2. thanks for the advice, yea, I probably should, it's so annoying when you have to choose what files you want to include in that 160 GB hard disk. but I didn't realize it was this cheap in Hong Kong! better get one when I get back!

  3. one hundred and sixty dou not enough??????????????? THATS ur prob u've got too much stuff on ur laptop la...

  4. Jac, I am so sure you have more than mine!
