Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 60 Another nice dinner!

I cannot believe I have been here for 60 days already. Time flies. I remember when I was writing my first blog entry, labeling it Day 1, I said to myself, it will take forever to get to day 50! And now today it is day 60! Time really flies!

I am also quite proud of myself for building this blog, for writing in this blog for 60 days, never stopping. Some of my friends ask how I did it, how do I have the time to do it, how much effort I put in it. The truth is, when you write a piece each day, it is quite easy. It is not like you are writing a thousand word essay each day, it is just writing what you want to write, what you feel, what you see. And I treat it as a must-do thing everyday, like washing up, brushing your teeth and showering.

OKOK, enough talk about my blog. Today was Andy's and Barbora's birthday! Andy was kind enough to invite the bunch of us to his place for a delicious Chinese meal! The food was super delicious! There were fish in spicy soup, brocoli and chicken, eggplant and pork, beef brisket with potatoes and carrots, some seafood and nicely steamed rice! I love it sooo much!

The only thing about that night was, I forgot to bring my memory card to the dinner! I brought my camera but didn't bring the memory card because I was uploading photos before going and completely forgot to put it back in. ARGH.

Photos later then, maybe I will still some from Barbora's cool camera! +.+

1 comment:

  1. Hey, tmr is your Birthday! I wish I can be with you to celebrate. How nice you have good Chinese Food!!!
